OBB Program

The Optimal Body Balance (OBB) program helps you achieve your health and weight loss goals by identifying and addressing your particular areas of weight loss resistance.

While the ultimate goal is weight loss, this is not a diet or just a weight-loss program. OBB provides you with the tools to change your lifestyle so that optimal health and long term weight management can be achieved.

It is our goal to teach you how foods work in your body. It is truly an education, and with knowledge comes power!

What is weight loss resistance?

Weight loss resistance occurs when your metabolism has been damaged by a variety of lifestyle and environmental factors.  You can tell that you’re weight loss resistant if you exercise regularly and follow a healthy eating plan, but find yourself twenty or more pounds overweight and unable to loss weight.

The 8 areas of weight loss resistance include: 

  • Gut Dysbiosis
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Neurotransmitter Imbalances
  • Sex Hormone Imbalances
  • Sleep
  • Stress
  • Thyroid Fatigue
  • Toxic Burden

 How do we pinpoint your weight loss resistance?

The Optimal Body Balance program begins by first using scientific testing to determine your underlying root causes of weight loss resistance: Total Metabolism Testing, Comprehensive Metabolic Profiling, IgG Food Anti-body Testing, Environmental Intolerance Testing and more.

We then help you overcome your particular area(s) of weight loss resistance by using the following strategies: 

  • Focus on balanced and whole foods nutrition.
  • Teach lifestyle changes through one-on-one counseling, group education sessions and hands on cooking classes.
  • Provide the accountability and support our clients need using compassion, enthusiasm and positivity.
  • Incorporate functional exercise.
  • Follow up our weight loss phase with a maintenance program that ensures the behavioral strategies are continued and optimal health is achieved. 

Addressing the root causes of weight loss resistance will result in better health, a higher success rate in maintaining a lower body weight, and a reduced risk of other weight related disease. 

What is included in the Optimal Body Balance program? 

The journey starts with a comprehensive Getting Started Visit with program director, Sheila Robertson.  The Getting Started visit, which can be conducted in person or over the phone, includes:

*Review health history, eating habits
*Take initial TMT test
*Determine/uncover areas of weight loss resistance
*Connect with motivators
*Initial dietary guidelines
*Goal Setting
*1.5 Hour Visit

The next phase is the 12-Week Optimal Body Balance Program.  It includes:

*Ongoing testing
*Weekly nutrition and lifestyle coaching
*One-on-one menu/snack planning
*Personalized programs
*Supervised by Dr. Chad Oler, N.D.
*Weight loss supplements & monitoring
*Bi-weekly group education and cooking classes
*Optional testing available

Who runs the program? 

 Sheila Robertson, Director.    Sheila understands first-hand how difficult it can be to lose weight.  After discovering her own weight loss resistance, she used the program to shed 50 pounds.  Sheila has worked in weight loss and as an improv comedian, and she uses humor to provide the reassurance and moral support you need to lose weight.

Dr. Chad Oler created the program and professionally supervises it. “Dr. Chad” has been studying natural health and healing for most of his life with extensive experience researching and consulting on nutrition and exercise. He is recognized by the American Naturopathic Medical Association, is a supporting member of the Wisconsin Naturopathic Physician’s Association and has been in naturopathic practice since December 2000. He co-founded the Natural Path Health Center on the west-side of Madison in December 2000, and created the Optimal Body Balance program after observing and reviewing 1000s of client cases.

To schedule your Getting Started Visit or for more information, contact Sheila Robertson by calling 608.274.7044 x12 or toll free at 866.888.6721 or e-mail obb@naturalpathhealthcenter.com.